
The software platform for rapidly building and deploying Voice and Video Value Added Services

Capture TritonDescription

Triton™ is a powerful versatile Service Delivery Platform, used both for development and deployment of communications services.

Triton combines the power of a graphical Application designer and a Runtime environment with strong integration of SS7 signaling, Video 3G and Video Over IP technology from market leaders, in order to provide a unique environment for designing Audio and Video enabled services.

Applications and resources can be deployed on one or more machines, using heterogeneous architectures. The platform is easily scalable. All operations can be done in real time without stopping the system. With distributed architecture, the capacity of the platform can be scaled without interrupting the existing live services.

The Triton™ product provides unmatched flexibility and powerful Capture Tritontools to Service Providers for creating high quality services and deploying seamlessly new services, with a solid and comprehensive set of OAM (Operation Administration and Management) tools. Moreover, Triton offers redundancy, load balancing and distributed architecture allowing a multi-node platform and multi-operating systems.

Technical characteristics:

The Triton Service Delivery Platform is a multi-layered distributed platform where components from various layers can reside on different servers:

  • Application Layer which define the service call flow logic.
  • Media Control Server (MCS) which is responsible for resource utilization and call routing.
  • Media Control Unit (MCU) which is a Unit responsible for controlling a specific technology resource provider (Telecom board, Speech Engine…).
  • For each supported technology, there is a specific MCU.

Triton comes with an OAM Tool called Big Browser, as well as an OAM SDK. With the OAM SDK, Triton pushes the limits of openness and allows 3rd Party products to remotely administer the platform. Triton is the ideal platform for Application Service Providers by providing an extensive event reporting mechanism, fault resilience features, strong technology integration and a unique application development environment.

Key Benefits:

  • Integrated Graphical Application Designer with powerful embedded programing language.
  • Integrated Administration and management tool (Big Browser).
  • Voice Browser Engine with support for VXML 2.1 and CCXML 1.0.
  • SS7-ISUP, TUP, ISDN, CAS protocols.
  • 3G-Video, IP-Video.
  • Voice over IP, SIP, H323.
  • Speech Recognition.
  • Speech Synthesis (TTS).
  • Audio and video Conferencing.
  • Video transcoding, Video overlay.
  • Comprehensive Call Detailed Reports.
  • Platform monitoring, event reporting.
  • Integrated SNMP agent.
  • Integrated native database access for Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL, ODBC driver.
  • Integrated 3rd party technologies from market leaders: Dialogic, NMS (Dialogic), Nuance, Telisma, Aricent, Radisys, Audiocodes, Aculab.

Applying Triton™ to solutions:

Triton™ allows for easy development of interactive voice and video services and typically suitable for building Interactive Voice and Video Response services, the so called IVVR.

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